Onboarding Form

Onboarding Form

Use the form below to request access to WATcloud services. Editing an existing profile? Please use the profile editor to request for a pre-populated form.

Please select the services that you need access to and fill out the required information. If you were not told which services to request, please clarify with your WATcloud contact1. Requesting access to services that you do not need will slow down the approval process.


A unique identifier for each WATcloud user. Must consist of lowercase alphanumeric characters, optionally separated with single dashes. (e.g. jane-doe-123 or janedoe123). This field should not be edited if you already have been onboarded with WATcloud.

Select the group(s) you are affiliated with. If your group is not listed or shows up as [Legacy], please ask your group lead to fill out the affiliation registration form (opens in a new tab) before continuing.

Compute Cluster

Access to machines in the compute cluster (a.k.a. WATcloud)

How to access

After your request is approved, you will be able to access the compute cluster using these instructions (opens in a new tab).

WATonomous GitHub

Access to the WATonomous GitHub organization (for WATonomous members and select partner groups only)

How to access

After your request is approved, you will receive an invite to join the WATonomous GitHub organization (opens in a new tab).

WATonomous Google Workspace

Access to the WATonomous Google Workspace

How to access

After your request is approved, you can log into Google Workspace using using the email address and initial password specified below. If you do not specify an initial password, you can use the "Forgot password?" button on the login page (opens in a new tab) to have a password reset link sent to your recovery email.

WATonomous Jira

Access to the WATonomous Jira organization

How to access

After your request is approved, please visit (opens in a new tab) and use the password reset functionality to set your initial password.

WATcloud Internal Tools

Access to WATcloud internal tools (via Teleport)

How to access

After your request is approved, you will be able to log into Teleport (opens in a new tab) using your GitHub account.

UWaterloo GitLab

Access to the WATonomous group in (opens in a new tab)

How to access

After your request is approved, you will receive an invite to join the WATonomous group (opens in a new tab).

WATonomous Discord

Access to special permissions/roles in the WATonomous Discord server

How to access

Please join the WATonomous Discord server (opens in a new tab). After your request is approved, the requested roles will be assigned to you.

WATonomous Finance System

Access to the WATonomous finance system

How to access

The finance system is currently under development. If you know, you know 😉.

WATonomous Sentry

Access to the WATonomous Sentry organization

How to access

After your request is approved, you will receive an email invite to join the WATonomous Sentry organization.

WATonomous Azure

Access to the WATonomous Azure organization

How to access

After your request is approved, you can login with the credentials you provide below. You will be asked to immediately change your password upon first login.

WATcloud Public Profile

Enable displaying your profile on the WATcloud website and affiliate websites (e.g. the WATonomous website). Enable this option if you would like to be an author/reviewer for the WATcloud blog (opens in a new tab).

A note to self or a message for the WATonomous team


  1. Your WATcloud contact is usually your group lead. See Getting Access for more information.