Development Manual

WATcloud Development Manual

This document is a collection of snippets and notes that are useful for the development process. It's not meant to be a complete guide, but rather a collection of useful information. This is similar to our internal notes (opens in a new tab), except that all information here is non-sensitive. We will gradually migrate information from the internal notes to this document.

This document is best read when cross-referenced with the code in the infra-config (opens in a new tab) repo.


We use the following terminology

  • Infrastructure: The set of all hosts and services that we manage.
  • Host: A physical machine (bare-metal machine) or virtual machine (VM) that is managed by us. For example, our compute cluster is a set of hosts that are managed by us.
  • Cluster: A set of hosts that are managed together. For example, our compute cluster is a set of hosts that are managed together.
  • User: A person that is authorized to access our infrastructure. For example, a WATonomous member.
  • Service: Anything that we provide to our users. The compute cluster, VMs, GPUs, the CI pipeline, the Kubernetes cluster, the GitHub organization, the Google Workspace, etc. are all services.
  • Directory: The directory contains configurations for users and services. For example, ./directory/user contains configurations for users and ./directory/hosts contains configurations for hosts.
  • Provisioning: The process of setting up a service. For example, setting up a VM.
  • Provisioner: A tool that is used to provision a service. This can be low-level tools like Ansible or Terraform, or high-level tools like our GitHub provisioner and our Google Workspace provisioner.

General Guidelines

  • Read and understand the WATcloud Guidelines before starting development.

  • Pull-request early and often. We have a lot of safe guards and automation in place to help you follow best practices. When CI is run, look out for automated comments on and pull requests against your PR!

  • When writing commit messages and pull requests, start with a title that describes the change in imperative mood (e.g. "Add", "Fix", "Update")1, followed by more information in the body of the message. Use linking keywords (opens in a new tab) like Resolves #<issue_number> to automatically close issues. For example:

    Create status-page Sentry project
    This commit introduces a new Sentry project for the [status page][sp].
    Resolves #123

Getting Started

Many provisioners require access to the cluster network. For simplicity, we will assume that you are using one of the machines in the cluster.

Clone the infra-config repo:

git clone [email protected]:WATonomous/infra-config.git

Start the development container. git fetch helps to check if the provisioner is up to date with master:

git fetch \
&& docker compose build provisioner \
&& docker compose run --rm provisioner /bin/bash

From now on, all commands should be run from within the container.

All provisioners in the infra-config repo have the same self-documenting interface:

# or 

For example, to run the GitHub provisioner:

./github/ # `github` is just an example, please replace it with the provisioner you are working with.

When you're done, please exit the container. The container (and stored secrets) will be destroyed automatically:



We manage secrets using Ansible Vault (opens in a new tab). All commands below should be run inside the provisioner development environment (see Getting Started above).

Authenticating with ansible-vault

Before performing any encrypt/decrypt actions, authenticate with ansible-vault:


Encrypting secrets using ansible-vault

Add the output of the following command to secrets/secrets.yml:

printf "%s" 'super_s3cr3t_str1ng$$' | ./scripts/ "name_of_secret"

Decrypting secrets using ansible-vault


./scripts/ ansible_ssh_pass

Provisioner Container

The provisioner container is a development and provisioning environment with all the necessary tools installed. It is defined in docker-compose.yml and can be started with the following command:

docker compose run --rm provisioner /bin/bash

This section describes properties of the container and describes changes that can be made to it.

Read-Only Filesystem

The infra-config directory is mounted as read-only in the container, with a few exceptions as described in docker-compose.yml. The read-only filesystem is useful for preventing accidental changes to the configuration during provisioning. However, sometimes we want to make changes from within the container. For example, we may want to allow a Terraform-based provisioner to update the dependency lock file. To make the filesystem writable, we can make the following changes to docker-compose.yml:

diff --git a/docker-compose.yml b/docker-compose.yml
index 0641ded10f..5290b02478 100644
--- a/docker-compose.yml
+++ b/docker-compose.yml
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ services:
     build: .
     image: ${COMPOSE_PROJECT_NAME:?A COMPOSE_PROJECT_NAME is required to prevent container collision}
-      - .:/infra-config:ro
+      - .:/infra-config:rw
       # The output directory is mounted as rw so that the provisioner can write
       # to it.
       - ./outputs:/infra-config/outputs:rw


We use GitHub Container Registry to cache the provisioner Docker image2. The cache is used to speed up both CI (opens in a new tab) and local development (opens in a new tab).

The cache is automatically used. Without any changes, the following command should complete quickly3 and show that almost every stage is loaded from the cache:

docker compose build provisioner

Previously, there was a cache invalidation issue (opens in a new tab) when files in the build context don't have the same permissions as the cache4. This issue has been fixed using a workaround (opens in a new tab).

Port forwarding

Sometimes, we may need to access services running in the container from the host machine. For example, we may want to forward a Kubernetes service to the host machine for debugging. To forward a port from the container to the host machine, we can make the following changes to docker-compose.yml:

diff --git a/docker-compose.yml b/docker-compose.yml
index 0641ded10f..42300307d2 100644
--- a/docker-compose.yml
+++ b/docker-compose.yml
@@ -13,6 +13,8 @@ services:
     working_dir: /infra-config
       DRY_RUN: ${DRY_RUN:-}
+    ports:
+      - "1234:5678"
       # In case the host's DNS is not working

The above configuration forwards port 5678 in the container to port 1234 on the host machine. Then we can run the following command to start the container:

docker compose run --rm --service-ports provisioner /bin/bash

Note that the --service-ports flag is required to forward the ports when using docker compose run5. Also note that the host port range is shared between all users on the machine, and the command above may silently fail if the port is already in use. In that case, you can simply choose a different port.

Then, from within the container, we can start any service on port 5678 to have it accessible on the host machine on port 1234. For example, to start a simple HTTP server to serve files from the outputs directory:

npx serve -l 5678 ./outputs

Now, we can access the HTTP server from the host machine by visiting http://localhost:1234 (e.g. curl http://localhost:1234).

As a practical example, we can forward the Prometheus service running in the Kubernetes cluster:

./kubernetes/ kubectl port-forward -n prometheus --address service/prometheus-kube-prometheus-prometheus 5678:9090


Developing Ansible Roles

Occasionally, we may need to develop new Ansible roles or fork existing ones to fix bugs or add features. A list of existing roles can be found by searching for ansible-role- on GitHub (opens in a new tab).

To develop a role, we can clone the role locally and mount it into our development environment. For example, to develop ansible-role-microk8s (opens in a new tab), we do the following:

# Clone the role alongside the infra-config repo
git clone [email protected]:WATonomous/infra-config.git
git clone [email protected]:WATonomous/ansible-role-microk8s.git

The resulting folder structure should look like this:

    • docker-compose.yml
    • ansible-galaxy-requirements.yml
    • ... other files
  • We will work in the infra-config directory:

    cd infra-config

    We can mount the role into our development environment by making the following changes to docker-compose.yml:

    diff --git a/docker-compose.yml b/docker-compose.yml
    index 30e581dab..cc9b34874 100644
    --- a/docker-compose.yml
    +++ b/docker-compose.yml
    @@ -8,6 +8,7 @@ services:
           # The output directory is mounted as rw so that the provisioner can write
           # to it.
           - ./outputs:/infra-config/outputs:rw
    +      - ../ansible-role-microk8s:/root/.ansible/roles/watonomous.microk8s:ro
           - /run:exec
           - /tmp:exec

    Now, when we run the provisioner, it will use the local copy of the role instead of the one installed by Ansible Galaxy.

    After we're done developing the role, we can remove the mount from docker-compose.yml and submit a PR to the role's repo. Once the PR is merged, we can update the role version in ansible-galaxy-requirements.yml and remove the local copy of the role.

    For most custom roles, we simply use the commit hash as the version. Ansible Galaxy will automatically download the role from GitHub using the commit hash. So updating the role version in ansible-galaxy-requirements.yml is as simple as:

    diff --git a/ansible/ansible-galaxy-requirements.yml b/ansible/ansible-galaxy-requirements.yml
    index cdf321adf..b2ba4c1ec 100644
    --- a/ansible/ansible-galaxy-requirements.yml
    +++ b/ansible/ansible-galaxy-requirements.yml
    @@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ roles:
         version: 7854b75566d7cb3f41009f83a3ceee93c2890262
       - name: watonomous.microk8s
         src: git+
    -    version: dfe4a5c92207d08462b6f206cd7b42010b34fa38
    +    version: d544a16cbde82bd7457a8d498215ad78e6a689d0
       - name: geerlingguy.filebeat
         src: git+
         version: 407a4c3cd31cc8f9c485b9177fb7287e71745efb


    Developing Terraform Providers

    We use Terraform providers extensively in our provisioners. Sometimes, we may need to develop new Terraform providers or fork existing ones to fix bugs or add features. This section describes how to develop Terraform providers.

    We will use the Discord Provider (opens in a new tab) as an example.

    # Clone the provider alongside the infra-config repo
    git clone [email protected]:WATonomous/infra-config.git
    git clone [email protected]:WATonomous/terraform-provider-discord.git

    The resulting folder structure should look like this:

    • docker-compose.yml
    • ... other files
  • Prepare two terminal windows. In one terminal, we will build the provider binary:

    cd terraform-provider-discord
    go build -o terraform-provider-discord

    The above command creates a terraform-provider-discord binary that we will use later.

    In another terminal, we will work in the infra-config directory:

    cd infra-config

    We can mount the role into our development environment by making the following changes to docker-compose.yml:

    diff --git a/docker-compose.yml b/docker-compose.yml
    index 7b282d9b45..62e684128c 100644
    --- a/docker-compose.yml
    +++ b/docker-compose.yml
    @@ -7,6 +7,7 @@ services:
           # The output directory is mounted as rw so that the provisioner can write
           # to it.
           - ./outputs:/infra-config/outputs:rw
    +      - ../terraform-provider-discord:/tf-dev/discord
           - /run:exec
           - /tmp:exec

    Start the development container as usual:

    git fetch \
    && docker compose build provisioner \
    && docker compose run --rm provisioner /bin/bash

    In the container, create ~/.terraformrc with the following content:

    provider_installation {
      dev_overrides {
        "terraform.local/local/discord" = "/tf-dev/discord"
      filesystem_mirror {
        path    = "/usr/share/terraform/plugins"
        include = ["terraform.local/*/*"]
      direct {
        exclude = ["terraform.local/*/*"]

    Note that terraform.local/local/discord is the provider's source in the required_providers block in the Terraform configuration and /tf-dev/discord is the path we mounted the provider to.

    The above configuration tells Terraform to search for a /tf-dev/discord/terraform-provider-discord binary when the discord provider is required, instead of using a provider installed in /usr/share/terraform/plugins or downloaded from the registry.

    Now, we can run the provisioner as usual. Terraform will use the local provider binary instead of the one installed in the container.




    1. Derived from (opens in a new tab)

    2. Here (opens in a new tab) is where we push the cache, and here (opens in a new tab) is where we use it. The cache lives here (opens in a new tab).

    3. At the time of writing (2024-09-16), the build time with cache is about 30 seconds on a single core (Docker immediately recognizes that every layer can be cached, and downloads the image from the cache). The build time without cache is about 3 minutes and 40 seconds on 8 cores.

    4. Git and Docker handle file permissions differently. Git only preserves the executable bit (opens in a new tab) of files, and uses the umask (defaults to 022 (opens in a new tab) on most systems) to determine the permissions of the files it creates. Docker, on the other hand, uses all permission bits (opens in a new tab) when using COPY or ADD.

    5. (opens in a new tab)